By now you’ve heard of the term ‘Everything Shower’, the process where your typical 10-12 minute shower turns into an afternoon spa appointment that includes first and foremost, water overuse, cleansing, exfoliating, shaving or hair removal of some sort, and your favorite towel and headband set. Well… Welcome to Fourth Quarter a.k.a Q42023 and one our favorite parts of the year over at Your Big Debut. For many in the US, the leaves are changing, Sundays are saved for the crock pot and football, and the wake-up temps are somewhere around the low 50s. (Sorry Phoenix, sorry). The last three months of the year is the BEST time to take what you’ve a spent nominal amount of time on, your professional development and job-readiness, and use Fall as your Everything Shower. Here’s what to consider before you head out for more apple cinnamon room spray: Cleanse
Take stock of your digital, and we’ll include, social media hygiene. When you Google your first and last name what comes up? The pictures from Bachelorette Weekend 2014? Does your professional bio from your company’s ‘Meet the Team’ page articulate what you actually do or does it need to be udpated? This is a great time to check out what’s tied to your name on the internet and clean up the parts that you have control over.
Exfoliate Let’s smooth out those rough areas that have needed some attention for a while, like “scrubbing” your resume and LinkedIn profile. Use this time to polish up your digital portfolio, if you have one, and replace outdated profile pictures. Are there job titles that need updating or accomplishments that you need to add to your resume? Consider investing in a Resume Writer if you find yourself stuck here.
A good moisturizer ensures that your skin isn’t dry and makes sure that all your cleansing/exfoliating routines aren’t in vain. It is time to replenish YOU, charge your low battery so that you are bright and professionally polished! What does support look like for you as we wrap up the year? What do you need to let go of to be successful right now? How will you ensure your cup stays full in 2024 and that you’re serving others from your ‘overflow’?
Getting the Spa treatment…professionally Accountability is key when it comes to our professional development. You’ve been thinking about that new role that opened in your department, but haven’t had to the time (or courage) to ask about qualifications. Those business cards that you picked up at the industry night mixer last month aren’t going to ‘network themselves’. YBD is here to help. Schedule your 45 minute Fall Reflections & Future Forward Working Session. We’ve dropped the price significantly on our normal consulting fees so that you can walk away with increased confidence, reduced anxiety, and your one-pager FRFF Roadmap to help you close out 2023 and prepare for 2024! Working Sessions run until Tuesday October 31st, grab your spa seat today.
You Got This -- 🧡 All the best, Coach Toia